Thursday, September 23, 2010

8 characteristics of living things

Let us learn about 8 characteristics of living things

  • Living things are capable of utilizing, transferring or transforming energy to carry on various life processes.
  • Living things have the capacity to produce young ones of their kind. This property is called reproduction.
  • Living things show a complex array of biochemical processes, collectively called as metabolism.
  • Living things exhibit various mechanisms for maintaining a constant state.
  • Living things show adaptations to their surrounding environment.
  • Living things show the ability to undergo evolution over a period of time.
  • Living things exhibit the capacity to respond to a stimulus. This property is known as irritability.
  • Living things are modified in such a way as to perfectly adapt themselves to the environment in which they live.

In our next blog we shall learn about go section 8 I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.

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